Your Mom Lied — An Un-Orthodox Method for Flu Prevention

Curtis Hunnicutt
5 min readOct 9, 2019
“Mama’s wrong again!” Colonel Sanders — The Waterboy

Do you have the flu yet? Okay, good. I just assumed you said no. If you have it already, just keep reading, this won’t take long and you don’t have anything better to do right now anyway.

For a long time we have been taught methods to prevent sickness and disease based on theory or even from accepted collective opinion. We are trained how to behave because many people never question why, they just go along with the crowd. Check out the Asch Conformity Experiments if you’re interested.

So this little article is for those who aren’t interested in simply falling in line, but want to make their own decisions about their health.

Mom Lie # 1

“Don’t go outside without a jacket! You’ll get sick!”

Going outside without a jacket was an unpardonable sin. It was equivalent to me giving up on life and cheerfully welcoming sickness into my body. And this logic seems to make sense, you would want to stay warm when it’s cold. Yes, true. However, here’s the problem:

We live in a perfectly climate controlled environment. Then we put on layers so that we look like the little boy from A Christmas Story (If you haven’t seen that movie, stop reading, cancel your day and do it.)



Curtis Hunnicutt

Husband of a Swede | Leadership Development Pastor | Author of The Millennial Manifesto | Listen to the book for free @ The Paradox of Progress Podcast